
First and foremost I express heartfelt appreciation to all my co-authors. I can not finish even one manuscript without your encouragement, support and guidance.


[29]. Jin Yue, Liu Liu*, A new nonparametric multivariate control scheme for simultaneous monitoring changes in location and scale, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2022, 3385825.SCI四区)

[28]. Xin Lai, Ruoyu Liu, Liu Liu, Jiayin Wang, Xuanping Zhang, Xiaoyan Zhu, Ka Chun Chong, Residuals based EWMA control charts with risk adjustments for zero-inflated Poisson models, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2022, 38(1), 283-303.SCI三区)

[27]. Wushuang Tan, Liu Liu*, Online monitoring of process variance drifts for leptokurtic and heavy-tailed data, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2022, 38(2), 1045-1059.SCI三区)

[26]. Qing Peng, Xin Lai, Liu Liu*, Jing Chen, A new standardized mortality ratio method for hospital quality evaluation, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2021, accepted.SCI四区)

[25]. Jin Yue, Liu Liu*, A dynamic sampling for monitoring nonparametric multivariate processes, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 2021, accepted.SCI四区)

[24]. Xin Lai, Xiao Li, Liu Liu, Fugee Tsung, Paul B.S. Lai, Jiayin Wang, Xuanping Zhang, Xiaoyan Zhu, Jiaqi Liu, A risk-adjusted approach to monitoring surgery for survival outcomes based on a weighted score test, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021, 160, 107568.SCI二区)

[23]. Wushuang Tan, Liu Liu*, Truncated normal distribution-based EWMA control chart for monitoring the process mean in the presence of outliers, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2021, 91(11), 2276-2288.SCI四区)

[22]. Hongling Wen, Liu Liu*, Xinlong Yan, Regression-adjusted Poisson EWMA control chart, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2021, 37(5), 1956-1964.SCI三区)

[21]. Qiuyan Hu, Liu Liu*, Weighted score test based EWMA control charts for Zero-Inflated Poisson models, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021, 152, 106966.SCI二区)

[20]. Liu Liu, Qing Peng, Xin Lai*, Zepei Deng, An adaptive nonparametric EWMA control chart with dynamic sampling intervals, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, 2021, 14(1), 74-87.SCI四区)

[19]. Jin Yue, Na Zhao, Liu Liu*, Prediction and monitoring method for breast cancer: A case study for data from the University Hospital Centre Coimbra, Cancer Management and Research, 2020, 12, 1887-1893.SCI三区)

[18]. Jin Yue, Liu Liu*, Hongxia Zhang, Multivariate nonparametric control chart with storage space, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020, 16(5), 2997-3005.SCI一区)

[17]. Liu Liu, Jin Yue, Xin Lai*, Jianping Huang, Jian Zhang, Multivariate nonparametric chart for influenza epidemic monitoring, Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 17472.SCI三区,Nature 子刊)

[16]. Yuke Qiu, Liu Liu*, Xin Lai, Yuwen Qiu, An Online Test for Goodness-of-fit in Logistic Regression Model, IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1), 107179-107187.SCI二区)

[15]. Xin Lai, Liu Liu*, A simple test procedure in standardizing the power of Hosmer-Lemeshow test in large data sets, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2018, 88(13), 2463-2472.SCI四区)

[14]. Hongxia Zhang, Liu Liu*, Jin Yue, Xin Lai, Cardiopulmonary function monitoring based on MEWMA control chart, Annals of Data Science, 2018, 5(2), 293-299.

[13]. Liu Liu, Xin Lai, Jian Zhang, Fugee Tsung*, On-line profile monitoring for surgical outcomes using a weighted score test, Journal of Quality Technology, 2018, 50(1), 88-97.SCI二区)

[12]. Dan Zhou, Xin Lai, Liu Liu*, The improved EWMA chart for heteroscedasticity process, Annals of Data Science, 2018, 5(1), 21-27.

[11]. Jin Yue, Liu Liu*, Multivariate nonparametric control chart with variable sampling interval, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2017, 52, 603-612.SCI一区)

[10]. Jin Yue, Xin Lai, Liu Liu*, Paul Lai, A new VLAD-based control chart for detecting surgical outcomes, Statistics in Medicine, 2017, 36(28), 45404547.SCI二区)

[09]. Xin Lai, Kelvin Yau*, Liu Liu, Competing risk model with bivariate random effects for clustered survival data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2017112215-223.SCI二区)

[08]. Yi Qi, Jian Zhang, Liu Liu*, Adaptive nonparametric CUSUM control chart with variable sampling interval strategy, International Journal of Engineering Research & Science, 2016, 2(5), 50-59. 

[07]. Xin Lai, Liu Liu*, Paul Lai, Kelvin Tsoi, Haitian Wang, Ka Chun Chong, Benny Zee, Risk-adjusted monitoring method for surgical data: Methodology for Data Analytics (Working in Progress), 2015 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, IEEE, 317-319, New York. 

[06]. Liu Liu*, Bin Chen, Jian Zhang, Xuemin Zi, Adaptive phase II nonparametric EWMA control chart with variable sampling interval, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2015, 31(1), 15-26.SCI三区)

[05]. Maoyuan Zhou, Liu Liu*, Wei Geng, Jie Zhou, Multivariate control chart based on multivariate smirnov test, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 2015, 44(6), 1600-1611.SCI四区)

[04]. Liu Liu*, Jian Zhang, Xuemin Zi, Dual nonparametric CUSUM control chart based on ranks, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 2015, 44(3), 756-772.SCI四区)

[03]. Liu Liu, Tsung Fugee*, Jian Zhang, Adaptive nonparametric CUSUM scheme for detecting unknown shifts in location, International Journal of Production Research, 2014, 52(6), 1592-1606.SCI二区)

[02]. Liu Liu*, Xuemin Zi, Jian Zhang, Zhaojun Wang, A sequential rank-based nonparametric adaptive EWMA control chart, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 2013, 42(4), 841-859.SCI四区) 

[01]. Shaogao Lv*, Tiefeng Ma, Liu Liu, Yunlong Feng, Fast learning rates for sparse quantile regression problem, Neurocomputing, 2013, 108, 13-22.SCI二区) 


[14]. 蒋俐弘,岳进,文洪玲,刘浏,基于回归调整CUSUM控制图的流感检测,系统科学与数学,2022,已接收.

[13]. 岳进,文洪玲,彭青,刘浏*,周吉,COVID-19与SARS同时期国内确诊病例发展趋势的对比分析,徐州工程学院学报(自然科学版),2020,已接收

[12]. 李双,刘浏*,沈婉晴,基于GARCH模型的多元控制图研究市场周刊(理论研究),2020,1,135-137.

[11]. 刘浏*,虞超,邱钰珂,培养非智力因素以促进学生数学修养,天府数学,2018,已接收.

[10]. 周丹,刘浏*股票买卖策略研究—基于质量控制图的实证分析,市场周刊(理论研究),2017,11,135-137.

[09]. 齐翌,张健,刘浏*,姚春雨,累积和控制图对电动汽车电机性能的检测过程监控,微特电机,2017,1,114-116.

[08]. 齐翌,张健,刘浏*,自适应非参数CUSUM控制图在电器产品绝缘性能检测过程中的应用,现代制造工程,2017,7,17-20.

[07]. 成琴,张健,刘浏*,累积和控制图在摩托车车灯闪光器生产过程中的应用,现代制造工程,2017,1,114-116.


[05]. 刘浏*,訾雪旻,张健,带马尔可夫均值估计量的非参数自适应CUSUM控制图, 数理统计与管理,2015,34(3),463-475. 

[04]. 刘浏*,张健,基于次序秩的非参数EWMA联合控制图,数理统计与管理,2013,188(6),103-113. 

[03]. 刘唐,彭舰,王建忠,刘浏,延迟容忍移动传感器网络中的基于节点优先级的数据转发策略,计算机科学,2011,38,140-143. 

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